NSW Minerals Council announces 2023 Explorer of the Year

The NSW Minerals Council’s Explorer of the Year award has been given to Alkane Resources for the discovery of the Kaiser gold and copper deposit. The Kaiser Deposit is part of the company’s Northern Molong Porphyry Project (NMPP) in the Central West Region of New South Wales.

 The NSW Minerals Council’s Explorer of the Year award has been given to Alkane Resources for the discovery of the Kaiser gold and copper deposit

The NSW Minerals Council’s Explorer of the Year award has been given to Alkane Resources for the discovery of the Kaiser gold and copper deposit

The Explorer of the Year award recognises excellence within New South Wales' world-class mining industry and acknowledges the significant contribution of exploration to the sector.

A great example of the resilience and ingenuity shown by our world-class exploration sector

Alkane Resources has had an interest in the Central West region since 2004 and has now discovered a new expansion of gold and copper porphyry mineralisation - the Kaiser Deposit - located 500m northwest of the Boda deposit within the Northern Molong Porphyry Project.

Following extensive geological mapping, geophysical surveys and lithogeochemical characterisation over several years, Alkane's drilling programme demonstrated an extensive mineralised system. Mineralisation is open to north, south and at depth, with the project having multi-billion dollar potential.

As part of the project Alkane demonstrated leading practice with its approach to exploration as well as its engagement with the local community regarding the project.

Record levels of exploration

New South Wales has seen record levels of exploration expenditure over the last three years, which has delivered some exciting discoveries. Together with the recent approvals for the Federation, McPhillamys and Bowdens projects, there are promising signs for the future of the industry.

"This increased spending and investment in the exploration sector is good news for regional NSW as it means more opportunities for investment, jobs and growth for local communities," NSW Minerals Council CEO Stephen Galilee said. 


The three finalists selected for the NSW Mining Explorer of the Year Award in 2023 were: Aeris Resources - Constellation Discovery; Alkane Resources - Kaiser Discovery, Northern Molong Porphyry Project; and Magmatic Resources - Myall Project.

"The contribution made by all our finalists is a great example of the resilience and ingenuity shown by our world-class exploration sector in successfully overcoming a range of challenges in recent years including floods and a global health crisis. Our exploration sector is essential to providing long term economic security to regional communities right across NSW. It is also essential to help meet demand for the metals of the future in industries like health, defence, advanced manufacturing, renewable energy and telecommunications," Galilee added.

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