Ditch Witch partners with MetaFLO Technologies

Dumping liquid spoils from directional drilling is highly regulated, costly and time consuming. To combat these challenges, Ditch Witch, a Charles Machine Works Company, has partnered with MetaFLO Technologies to be the exclusive provider of SolidState 2 and SolidState 6 solidification reagents. The partnership will provide a more accessible and efficient process for the solidification of drilling spoils to an extended network of users and contractors.

 MetaFLO reagents help contractors safely, efficiently and quickly dispose of liquid spoils from underground construction projects

MetaFLO reagents help contractors safely, efficiently and quickly dispose of liquid spoils from underground construction projects

Utilising the SolidState 2 and SolidState 6 reagents, underground construction contractors can easily and quickly solidify and stabilise drilling fluids to cut time, costs and the environmental impact of waste disposal. These reagents can convert liquid spoils into a solid in the time it takes to get to a dump site, or less, and create dry, stackable solids for easy handling and transportation.

The SolidState 2 reagent is engineered to work in conjunction with mixing systems for large volume applications. It solidifies liquids in fewer than 30 minutes using a typical dosage of 0.5 - 1.5 per cent by weight. The SolidState 6 reagent is specifically designed for heavier, semi-solid waste streams. It absorbs quickly and works immediately, solidifying liquids in fewer than 10 minutes using a typical dosage of 0.25 - 1 per cent by weight.

"Our partnership with MetaFLO will allow our customers to easily access products that help dispose of liquid spoils in a safe and efficient way," said Randy Rupp, Ditch Witch vice-president of Product Strategy. "The SolidState reagents allow for a quicker and less costly way to dump liquid spoils that is beneficial for a wide range of users in a highly regulated industry."

"We're excited to partner with the Ditch Witch organization to expand our offering throughout its global dealership network and create convenience for our current HDD users with one stop for reagents, drills, recycling systems, service and support," added Andrew McNabb, MetaFLO president and CEO.