Morse to head NGWA

Terry Morse has been selected as the incoming chief executive officer of the US National Ground Water Association (NGWA). Morse is the successor to Kevin McCray, who, after 22 years as CEO and 35 years in the groundwater industry, is retiring December 31, 2017.

Morse to head NGWA

Morse was selected from a field of 53 applicants and is an association management veteran, with a strong background in sales and marketing. Most recently, Morse has been a regional vice-president for sales and marketing at RT Specialty.

"My personal life experiences," Morse said, "coupled with my professional education, training and knowledge have made me cognizant of how important the need is to protect our groundwater system through advocacy, education, public awareness, and professional training. The opportunity to join with others who share the same mission, vision and values will be the pinnacle and most rewarding chapter of my professional career."

Morse, a central Ohio resident, holds a bachelor's degree in economics from Ohio State University and a master's degree in business administration in brand marketing from the University of Liverpool, UK.