crosshole sonic logging

 Cementation Skanska, which received the FPS award for sustainability in 2023 for its hydrogen dual-fuelled piling rig, highlights the piling industry’s forward-thinking approaches

2023: A year of advancement and engagement for the FPS

Reflecting on the past 12 months and how the piling sector has fared

15 December 2023

 The FPS has issued guidance on specifying crosshole sonic logging in an effort to reduce harm to site personnel

FPS issues new guidance on specifying crosshole sonic logging

New guidance on specifying crosshole sonic logging for piling has been issued by the FPS

08 March 2023

 The white paper - Terminology and Evaluation Criteria of Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL) as applied to Deep Foundations – is now available from Deep Foundations Institute

DFI publishes new white paper on crosshole sonic logging

Latest free download from DFI looks at the criteria for crosshole sonic logging

07 November 2019


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