drinking water

 The 15th HometownH2O project saw a local Marine veteran in Eitzen, Minnesota, receive a new well pump and septic system courtesy of Xylem and Waterboys

HometownH2O delivers well to Marine veteran

Veteran in Minnesota, receives new well pump and septic system courtesy of Xylem and Waterboys

20 October 2023

 In 2020, Xylem and the WWT furthered their water safety efforts by partnering with the Chris Long Foundation to launch the Hometown H2O programme, which engages in domestic projects focused on bringing funds and clean water access to Americans living in low-income, rural areas

Xylem spotlights rural water crisis in America

A report by Xylem highlights the challenges facing rural US communities' water supplies

05 June 2023

 Mumma Brothers Drilling Inc. working with Xylem Inc., Water Well Trust and Chris Long’s Waterboys charity to bring clean water to a family in a rural location in Terre Haute, Indiana

Partnership brings new water well to family in need in Terre Haute, Indiana

Xylem is continuing its water well initiatives to provide secure water access to rural US areas

19 May 2023

 Groundwater is the most common form of self-supply and is generally more resilient against climate change shocks than surface sources

Groundwater and self-supply

'Groundwater - making the invisible visible' the theme of World Water Day

23 March 2022

 Russia plans to drill wells under the bottom of the Sea of Azov to solve the problem of drinking water shortages in Crimea

Drilling artesian wells at the bottom of the Sea of Azov

Russian plans to drill under the sea to access drinking water

11 November 2021

 Volunteers from Schroepfer’s Well Drilling and WaterWorks Pump and Supply install a new well pump for the Illert family

Xylem and Hometown H2O bring clean water to Navy veteran

When an old cistern proves to be a liability Xylem provides a charitable solution

22 October 2021

 Despite being old technology, handpumps still have a very valuable part to play in the supply of drinking water in African countries thanks to their lower failure rate compared to modern mechanical pumps

The ongoing need for handpumps in Africa

The ongoing importance of handpumps for drinking water in Africa

28 May 2021

 A new water in Jacksonville, Texas, is the third Hometown H2O well donation project this year in North America

Hometown H2O programme brings clean, running water East Texas family

A family in East Texas are the latest people to benefit from the charitable work of Hometown H2O

06 January 2021


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