Imdex: 5 of 7

 IMDEX’s COREVIBE uses high-frequency, energy pulse-assisted drilling for wireline coring to provide significant advancements in productivity

A licence to drill — the next major improvements in core drilling

With core bit reaching the limit of improvements, IMDEX concentrates on other aspects of technology

12 November 2020

 Blast Dog, a new development from IMDEX, has won the 2020 Queensland Mining Awards innovation category

IMDEX technology wins mining innovation award

New drill and blast innovation by IMDEX gets national award recognition

29 September 2020

 The use of a solids removal units on a mine drilling project can result in a 75 per cent reduction in drilling fluid consumption

IMDEX technology delivers water savings for drillers

A look at how solids removal units can reduce water consumption at mine sites

23 September 2020

 IMDEX directional drilling expert Kelvin Brown played a key part in the rescue of 33 Chilean miners after they were trapped by a collapsed shaft

17 days that changed my world

How the international rescue operation to save 33 Chilean miners affected one Australian driller

07 September 2020

 The IMDEX XTRACTA, which is now being rolling out by the company, has been under development for nearly 20 years

IMDEX champions R&D investment as key to future success

IMDEX's CEO highlights the importance of continued investment in R&D even in a down market

27 July 2020

 Bernie Ridgeway (left) at his retirement celebration is new IMDEX’s chief executive officer Paul House

How Bernie showed the way for 20 years at IMDEX

After 20 years of leadership, IMDEX MD Bernie Ridgeway reflects on business as he retires

14 July 2020

 AusSpec, which produces aiSIRIS, the leader in automated spectral mineralogy from infrared scanners and hand-held units, has been acquired by IMDEX

IMDEX acquires automated mineralogy specialist AusSpec

New Zealand-based manufacturer of aiSIRIS technology, AusSpec, has been acquired by IMDEX

08 July 2020

 More money than ever is being spent on drilling programmes without achieving better outcomes said IMDEX’s Nick Payne at the annual Xploration Technology Symposium

IMDEX's new technology sweeps away old drilling habits

IMDEX solutions to the problem of more time being spent to drill less and to find less

10 June 2020


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