A time for optimism?

As international news media continues to tell us just how bad things are it’s sometimes nice to stop listening to the bad news and talk to those around us and discover the good news. This is exactly what I was able to do recently at Geotechnica the UK’s only trade event dedicated to the geotechnical drilling industry.

 September 2023 GeoDrilling International

September 2023 GeoDrilling International

Just as in the wider world, everyone I spoke to was all too aware of current international issues but aside from that there was also a genuine sense of optimism about the state of our industry. New products were on display, and new techniques and new applications for existing technology were being discussed. And I hope that some of that is reflected in this issue, which takes a look at how automation is continuing to spread through the sector and how site investigation is getting ever more comprehensive as new methodologies are brought to market. 

The applications for site investigation are expanding too. An example of this can be seen in the focus in this issue on the exponential growth of drilling for ground source heating applications.

Additionally, this issue, the biggest we've published for several years, also includes a preview of the biannual Italian Geofluid show to provide an insight into some of the new equipment and technologies that will be on display. And as ever, we'll be there in Piacenza gathering news of everything new ready to share it with you in the next edition of GDI.

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