Planning ahead

The piece you’re reading now is always the very last piece of the issue to get written and it’s my opportunity to discuss what is to follow in the magazine and reflect on what is happening within the industry.

 The June 2023 issue of GeoDrilling International

The June 2023 issue of GeoDrilling International

A large part of my time producing this edition of GDI has been taken up with discussions about the premier geotechnical drilling trade event in the UK - Geotechnica. That work has resulted in a five-page preview which I hope you'll find useful when it comes to deciding how to spend your time while you there this year.

However, working on this also made me realise that in a way producing each issue of the magazine can be compared to a drilling job. When the magazine arrives with subscribers that is the finished job but the work that goes into making that happen each month has to start months beforehand. The actual borehole ready to be used for whatever purpose it is needed is the culmination of months or years of planning, much of which many people don't realise happens, Not to mention the work of many people who help support the work of the team that drills the hole. It's the same for me with each issue; planning starts months ahead and many people are involved behind the scenes whose work makes each issue possible.

Geotechnica isn't happening until July but the planning of this issue began around this time last year and it will be a week or so on from my writing this that I get to see a physical copy of the magazine.

Now it's on to the next issue and alongside that, I need to start planning the content for each issue that will appear in 2024…

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