Trevi takes on education of deep foundation drillers

Trevi Group’s Foundations Technology Academy (FTA) contributed to the ADSC Drill Rig Operator School (DROS) in Cincinnati, September 10 through 14. The week-long training program was exclusive to ADSC contractor members and focused on drilled shaft applications under the supervision of accomplished professionals. The school format combined classroom instruction along with over 40 hours of seat-time on seven different types of drill rigs, including the Soilmec SR-75 in LDP.

 Foundations Technology Academy at the ADSC Drill Rig Operator School in Cincinnati

Foundations Technology Academy at the ADSC Drill Rig Operator School in Cincinnati

Straight after DROS, FTA set up another training program for Soilmec customers in the United States. Supported by Western Equipment Solutions, Soilmec long-standing partner in North America, FTA carried out successful field training for drill rig operators in Los Angeles, September 17-21. The intense five-day session on Soilmec's SR-40 covered fundamentals of drilling operations and techniques, including equipment and job site safety, tools design and application, integrated control systems, drilling instrumentation and troubleshooting.

At the beginning of October FTA then organised a training session on the Soilmec SR-45 for one of its major customers in Fukuoka, Japan. A comprehensive on-the-job training program explained drilling equipment and procedures involved in bored piles design and execution. This four-day hands-on course was held during start-up and commissioning of a new Soilmec rig helping students to reinforce their basics and update professional knowledge and skills.