The NGWA Foundation and the Groundwater Foundation to merge

The National Ground Water Association’s (NGWA) Foundation for Groundwater and the Groundwater Foundation have announced that they will merge, establishing a foundation dedicated to protecting groundwater and enhancing professional practices in the industry.



Under the agreement, the combined entity will carry the Groundwater Foundation name and will leverage administrative and operational support from NGWA.   

The organizations are merging to create a hub of information and charitable outreach for groundwater professionals and the public alike. As a result of the change, the industry will have a strengthened resource for education, networking, and professional development. The public will have access to the latest science, research, fieldwork, scholarships, breaking news, and comment from proven leaders in the groundwater industry.

"Since 1994, the NGWA Foundation has established numerous programs to assist those working with, and those that need groundwater. This merger aligns our Foundation with an organisation that shares our passion, extends our combined vision, and bolsters our grassroots efforts to educate, inspire action, and to create a community of Groundwater Guardians to protect this critical resource," said Terry Morse, chief executive of NGWA. 

Jane Griffin, executive director of the Groundwater Foundation, said of the merger: "NGWA and the Groundwater Foundation have been partners for several years and we have complementary strengths, experiences, and industry knowledge. While the Groundwater Foundation has a national presence, our mission is to boost groundwater awareness at the local level, and merging with NGWA's Foundation allows us to extend this mission, address issues, and educate at every level."

The Groundwater Foundation will remain in Lincoln, Nebraska, and staff will be retained. The group will be supported by NGWA. As Foundation executive director, Griffin will report to NGWA's Morse. NGWA staff and operations will remain unchanged.

"One of our key messages to our diverse membership is that we truly are ‘better together' in our collective efforts to advance the groundwater industry. We're excited to merge with a fantastic organization that allows us to expand this message to its members, to individuals, and to local communities alike," said Morse.